Saturday, November 26, 2016

Phartzan Beltch

Abby Lab here.  My boyfriend Frankie at

had a hilarious post up recently about post-Thanksgiving which consisted of:

1. Burrrrrrrp !!!!!! 
2. PHarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt !!!!! 
YOU decide who said What. 

Frankie said it was all Ernie but I sent them a photo from a local model train show that Mom and Dad went to, to which Frankie commented on here later. Sharing for all post-holiday.

Cheers - Abby Lab

P.S. Mom told Dad that she never farts, burps, or sweats.  That's why when the "honey do" list is nearing the expiration date, she nags, as otherwise, she would EXPLODE.


  1. We just read the other day that a fart is the intestines blowing a kiss. We also saw that you MUST fart or else it will float up to your head and give you shi**y thoughts.

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. BOL. I received your Christmas card in the mail today, thanks Abby.

    Aroo to you,

  3. Bwahaahaa! And I'll have you know, that MY Ernie wouldn't do stuff like that. We're sure they're going to love that train sign...


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