Friday, August 30, 2024

It's YAPPY Hour

Garcon' - It is time for my evening libation.

The service here is SO slow. 

What is this you say? A 2023 "Tinsel Time Treat".  It's been in a freezer - no telling what that will do to the bouquet.
I detect a slight undertone of pretension with top notes of soggy paper towels.

Bottoms up!

What is this?  Naste Spomonte?

I'll pass.  The finish was unworn sock and empty candy wrapper. 
That did NOT agree with my palette.  Do you have something in a Peanut Noir?


  1. My goodness Sunny, you have a well developed palate for one so young!
    Paca xx

    1. Coppa's Girl - she is getting her own tastes - now turning up her nose at the plain collagen sticks for the "hickory smoked" ones. :-)


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