Monday, September 30, 2024

Traveler Alert

Sunny D. here: If any of you ever flew on UnTIED airlines back in the 90's out of LAX and looked up in the cockpit and saw this??

AND lived to tell about it? Thank your lucky stars. 


She just drove me to the Vet for my rabies booster. 

Holy Cow! People were honking and she was swearing (in Norwegian I think) and there were sudden applications of the brakes followed by her driving like MY GRANDMOTHER for 5 blocks. And apparently, she can't park unless there's some guy in shorts with lighted wands waving her into the parking spot (sure, you were looking for something closer to the door, Mom). I was going to ask the Flight Attendant to bring me an extra biscuit and a double Puppuccino when the cabin door FINALLY opened.

 I can't believe they let Mom fly JETS!  

She says she was just being extra careful because I was on board.  I think we're just lucky she changed careers after an extra 47,000 years of school and now just plays with an RC helicopter in the basement.  Dr. Mom is probably not a better driver than Captain Mom, but at least she has crime scene tape in the vehicle, just in case.  


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