Friday, October 9, 2015

The Healthy Eating Blog is Back (let me go hide the wrappers)

Seriously - are you going to eat all of that?

Abby the Lab here with news that Mom's healthy eating and diet blog is off of hiatus because she quit stuffing her face due to stress finished moving out of her other home and started her new job in the city where she and Dad live have lived since they got married in 2013.

There won't be any calorie counting - just some ideas for healthy meals and snacks, tips to incorporate more fruits and veggies in your diet (seriously Mom thinks Starbursts count as a fruit) as well as some healthy recipe ideas that the entire family will love.

She had lost 42 pounds before the wedding by calorie counting but she wasn't eating really nutritious food all of the time so she was always hungry and the weight was creeping back on. Plus, she noticed her skin was getting dry and she didn't have the energy she should. So she did some homework on nutrition post mano-pause (as they didn't get too much into that when she took Home Ec in the Bronze age) and read up on good and bad fats and quality protein as well as how to build and retain muscle mass as one gets (ahem) older. 

The first step was to get rid of her candy supply which will go to Dad's office. Dad's a stick and he's only 33 so he can eat the contents of an entire bread truck and not gain a pound. Mom said that is NOT fair and it's all  her metabolism's fault, her eating and exercise habits have nothing to do with it.

The first step was to clean up the cupboards of stuff we don't need to have around.

Did I tell you Mom really likes bread and desserts and fruity candy, espcially Zotz.

Did I  mention  Mom likes Zotz.

Yup - this was her stash.  She kept a dish of them on her desk at work and they seemed to disappear at a regular rate.  SURE your coworkers are eating them, I told her as I looked through the phonebook for Zotzaholic Anonymous.

She is ditching all candy and food with high fructose corn syrup, tossing the sweetened beverages and reworking some favorite recipes and posting the mayhem results.

Then we stepped her plans for exercise, ditching the "The Three Toed Sloth Presents Workout Now!" tapes and buying some weights like Dad's but wimpier.

We hope you'll stop in and visit as Murphy and Stanley and Oreo's Moms started the idea and it's always fun to support and share.


  1. OK, we're headed over!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Hey Abby!
    Wow, you look gorgeous today, my furiend! My Mom is diet challenged. She loves all things junk. BOL Dad's much older but seems to have no such troubles and eats most anything. Me too! I eat most anything as long as it's meat. Well, your Mom's thingy sounds super interesting and I bet lots of peeps will be reading. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  3. HEY Abby... look what MY CUSSIN Sarge just said about you... See how he is? We take an 87 day Blog break to get all MOVED TO BE CLOSER TO HIM... and HE starts Flirting with MY LADY...

    BUTT, I must say... Fur ONCE... he IS right... you look GORGEOUS.

    OMD we are still Loving the Welcome to your new home Pressie that you sent to us... THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! It is just like YOU... AWESOME ABBY.

    Zotzaholic Anonymous ???? would that be like Milkbones Anonymous???

    I have MISSED YOU somethingy FIERCE, Abby.

    1. I miss you too Frankie - we had some fun in Blogville while you were gone but it wasn't the same without you there. I'm so glad you're lovin your new home and you liked my pressies!

      Abby Lab

  4. Hari om
    You will be mum's best conscience and monitor on this gig, Abby!!! Hugs and says, YAM-aunty xx

  5. Yay we will tell Mom to pop over to her blog. Mom has been trying to eat better too in hopes that it will help her back. Oh and our Dad is like your Dad. It baffles Mom how he can eat a whole bag of chips in one sitting and still be a stick BOL MOL ;)

  6. Our mom's weakness is cookies and bread. She ate real healthy after her breast cancer diagnoses 4 years ago and got to a good weight. But the old habits creeped back and she slowly gained back 12 lbs. She needs some motivation too!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel


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