Sunday, September 8, 2024

Where the Wubba Meets the Woad

 Since we brought Sunny home from Chicagoland Lab Rescue in late March - we've gone through countless dog toys, many ignored after the initial playtime (2 minutes, I'm bored. . NEXT) to completely destroyed in 5 minutes.

This one was a hit - the Kong Wubba.  It looks like an octopus but it's a Kong that squeaks, covered in a very durable fabric with tentacles.
You can throw it, play tug of war with it and it floats in the kiddie pool.

It's the one toy she wants to play with all the time, and other than one very minor  stitching repair on one tentacle from the last stages of "puppy" teeth, it's still in great shape.  
We got ours at our favorite online pets tore -  They're  $9.99 right now. 
Throw it ONE more time Dad!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Playing Chicken

If you read True Course – Lessons from a Life Aloft (International #1 Best Seller, and IAN Book of the Year), you'll recall a chapter on the summer I spent flying around Alaska- the lure, the beauty, the wonder - 

 "There is just something about Alaska. For many people, it's on the list of places they want to visit before they die. For others, it's a journey ending with roots taking hold deep into the tundra. I was one of the former. Not wanting to wait until I got older, retired, had an empty nest, or lost those ten pounds, I just went. Why miss out because of “waiting.” You could miss the journey of a lifetime or the love of your life. You never know. Missed. Gone.

It's long been a beacon for dreamers and misfits, people who think somehow the unsullied vastness of the wild will fill in those gaps in the windows of their lives, where the cold slips in. The people who inhabit that great state are unique. Like the folks in Montana I spent time with as I grew up, and perhaps why I felt so at home up there. These are people who survive everything. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and floods only take root deeper, growing stronger. They have found that handling such things is a lighter load than remorse.

I met some interesting people along the way. A retired Baptist minister who ran a trading post and made sure I had enough Diet Pepsi and beef jerky.  A couple of biologists for the state lived in a village inaccessible to automobiles, only snowmobiles and an airplane. Then, one day, I landed on a strip near a lake with a beautiful cabin. A friend knew the person living there, and they had invited me to stop in and visit. It was an older woman who lived there, the widow of a retired pilot; she'd never been to the state until she fell in love with a resident and moved. She offered me some gas and coffee, and I ended up staying for two days, sharing stories of life in the wild and learning just how deep love will lead you into the wilderness of your heart."
But the other day, when I got a little package from Alaska, I realized I failed to mention some quirkier parts – namely such places as Chicken, Alaska. A former gold mining town with a current population of about 10 - it has no cellular service, central plumbing, or electricity but for generators. There are kayaks for rent at the outpost, Sue’s Cinnamon rolls at the cafe, and Chickenstock - the music fest in June. If you miss that, there’s the Wild Tire Ride, which consists of getting into a large tire and letting people roll you down towards the airport.
Don't say I don't know how to have a good time. - Brigid

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Gotcha Days

Another Weekend at BiteyTime Play Center and Arcade and
my husband still has his opposable thumbs

Sunny D (dog) is adapting to her new home well, considering she spent 10 months penned up in a barn. Spending her days in a too-small crate and likely malnourishment left her with bowed front legs, abandoned by the "breeder" because no one would buy her because as a purebred Lab she "wasn't perfect".

I'm thankful she was given up to a shelter rather than just killed, but it breaks my heart what she went through.  She'll never be a "working" dog, but she's happy and runs and plays with abandon; the Vet said there's no fixing it, but it doesn't cause her any pain (and if she needs it for arthritis in those joints as she ages we still have a doggie escalator).  She is our third rescue since Barkley, after Abby and Lorelei. He'd be pleased we didn't get  "perfect" dogs, but rather, ones that needed some tender hearts that knew of hurt themselves.  

The first night home after the "freedom ride," we woke a little after five a.m. to a plaintive whine from her crate.  It was a barely audible sound as if she had learned that there was no need to raise her voice, the brooding silence of her former world insensitive to her cries in the night.  The only voice she would hear would be her own. At night, that singular sound had to echo alone in the rafters.  But not that first night home - my husband EJ was sleeping on the futon beside her crate and talking to her until she fell asleep again.

The first few weeks were rough. EJ was on an extended travel schedule, and I had my hands full, to say the least, as Lorelei needed palliative care at home.  At one point, I went three days without a shower, promising never to roll my eyes again at someone complaining about losing sleep with a baby. But with the help of some boxed hippie granola, Greek yogurt (OK, I'll share), and coffee, Sunny and I survived.  

Even terminally ill with an aggressive sarcoma, Lorelei doted on her like one of her own pups. She was forgiving and patient, and the short weeks they spent together were full of comfort. Still, one couch is worse for wear, and one area rug threw itself on the pyre which is the flaming energy of a puppy.  

I wonder if Sunny remembers her past life.  We discovered that she didn't like telephones, sudden bright lights, or the sounds of cars and only reacted to commands in German, which gave us some history of what community her "breeder' came from. So I gently eased her into city life, sitting out in a lawn chair in the backyard on my lunch break and after work as she sat beside me, taking in the sounds of the city, realizing she was safe.  The words she knew from us at the time were few, but they stirred something in her heart on their hearing that quelled her fears and made her realize she was finally home.

A dog's perception of memory is not like ours. We tend to make painful things loom large because strong emotions stand out, isolated from the mundane daily thoughts that naturally diminish over time in one's mind. So, just as I can vividly recall, as if yesterday, moments of heartbreak, abandonment, and loss  - to Sunny, they are just shadows that haunt the edges of what she knows now, soon to be forgotten.

The brief expressions of loneliness and fear you see when you first bring a "rescue" home are hard to bear. But they were so short, soon to turn to looks of "I'm not sorry at all" when caught with a slipper, looks delivered with a goofy grin and the wag of the tail that even the hardest of hearts is not immune to.  Even after being neglected by others, they look at us with love, and whether that's simply the temper of a dog's soul or their eternally forgiving nature, I wonder how we are even worthy of their undying regard.

She knows only joy now, afraid of nothing except the bread machine, which she still will bark at. The backyard is her kingdom, to be defended against squirrels, rogue tomatoes from the neighbor's garden, and the cat that lives down the alley.  She doesn't understand why the people who walk past in the morning on their way to the train at the end of our block, burdened by life and propelled only by a timetable, don't want to stop and pet the dog.  She embraces the power of a slice of cheese.

She greets the morning yard joyfully, the grass covered with dew, like jewels strewn under her feet.  You don't notice anything wrong with her legs unless you are looking at her head-on when she comes at you slowly with a gait like Festus from Gunsmoke, taking your measure slowly, then doing a zoomie around you, a dust devil of motion, fueled by a complete lack of fear.  

She'd stay out there all day if she could, coming in only to nap beside me by my desk as I work.  Nights, she goes out one last time before bed since I don't walk her after dark in Chicago, as my husband will do.  After doing her business, we'll just lay in the grass in the center of the yard as above, the stars fill the skies, flickering down on us like eyes, as alive and enigmatic as the hearts of men.  
Training is ongoing, but she learns quickly when she wants to, having the doggie equivalent of a teenager's brain right now. She still will play a version of "Bite Mom's butt!" (no tooth pressure, but it will get your attention if you're not expecting it), and we've had to hide the smaller throw rugs.  But I can't get angry at her for enjoying being free to be a puppy, if only for these short months as she emerges into adulthood. (Though I'm still finding sticky spots in the kitchen where she bit into a can of Sprite and sprayed it around the room like a Nascar driver after winning a race).

This will be her sixth-month "Gotcha Day" and though she has had her "puppy moments," she's grown into a barrel-chested, muscular 84-pound English Lab of high intelligence. I told my husband that if I ever mention adopting another puppy, please talk me off the ledge. Still, I wouldn't trade these initial memories for anything, all the times we laughed at her antics through the tears as we said goodbye to her big "sis" Lorelei.  As I look at my remaining years, however long the Lord sees fit, I can't imagine not having a dog in them.

She's the 4th dog we've had in the 14 years we've been together.  But like any relationship of abiding love, there are always moments of trepidation, the fears of the unknown, the learning and the knowing, and, eventually, the loss, as we are all mortal.  Yet we embrace it, holding up that love like a match held aloft, grasping it until the flame burns our fingers, never wanting to let it go. - Brigid

Friday, August 30, 2024

It's YAPPY Hour

Garcon' - It is time for my evening libation.

The service here is SO slow. 

What is this you say? A 2023 "Tinsel Time Treat".  It's been in a freezer - no telling what that will do to the bouquet.
I detect a slight undertone of pretension with top notes of soggy paper towels.

Bottoms up!

What is this?  Naste Spomonte?

I'll pass.  The finish was unworn sock and empty candy wrapper. 
That did NOT agree with my palette.  Do you have something in a Peanut Noir?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mom - ANYTHING can be a ball. . .

You think Sunny had never seen a homemade Cream Puff before.

 I can almost picture her saying: "It's a pastry ball full of whipped cream! - Thow it throw it throw it!"


Monday, August 19, 2024

Squirrel Wars

What's that Sunny, something in that tree?

It's a member of the Squirrel Cartel, Dad!

He's armed with a peanut Dad - must get him!

But I don't WANT to go home - I almost had him!

Hey, it's Mom.  I gotta tell her about the squirrel I treed!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Do Not Eat the Flowers


Sunny loves branches.  The photo above is from her Foster Mom, J., taken when she was first rescued by Chicagoland Lab Rescue (where we adopted Lorelei).

She was about 9-10 months old here.

She's 15 months now and still loves branches. But she was destroying the lower new growth in our big, beautiful Lilac bush, so a fence was installed to keep her from killing it.

Hey, what's this sign, Mom?

Friday, August 9, 2024

Sunny's "YELP" review of Chez Mom Restaurant

YELP! Review Chez Mom Restaurant 

 Sunny D. - Chicago, IL  

I had such expectations for this place. The smells drifting from it made my mouth water every time I walked past. I saw the smiles on the faces of others as they left. Then I walked in, tail wagging. The hostess was surly, looking at me and saying, “It’s too EARLY for snacks.” I have heard that word TOO EARLY before, which never bodes well. 

She showed no change in demeanor, shooing me out of the dining area while she bustled around putting down plates and silverware for the HOOMAN customers. I was appalled. So, I will simply review what I could dine on instead of a snack.

A slice of cheese on the counter. Cheese is always a treat. When Dad makes a sammich, one always finds its way to me; he’s SO careless with cheese.  I took this one from the serving platform without paying. It landed on my head. If the manager says something, I’ll tell her it’s a hat. 

A paper towel. The ones that sopped up bacon grease are the best, but as far as an early bird special, it wasn’t bad. If fresh, that paper will rip into a gazillion pieces, which you can leave like drool-infused confetti all over the clean restaurant floor. Even better if you can order seconds; that look on our server’s face as you get it all soggy in your mouth and then spit it on her clean pants before you can choke on it – elevates the dining experience like no other.

An unsliced loaf of warm bread. Oh, I so wanted to try this, but it was just TOO big for me to get my mouth around. Let’s see, a knife? No, Mom won’t let me play with knives. Shoot it with Great-Grandpa’s WWII Army rifle? I’m a Dog. HELLOO? BACKGROUND CHECK?! The plastic Ginsu banana slicer was too small and it looked like the sketchy banana (which usually contains a disguised pill). On to the secret menu. 

A slipper – My favorite from the SECRET MENU. You won’t see it on everyone's menu. You will have to request it. By request I mean find it lying under the kitchen caddy by the back door or even better, dangling from the Maître D's foot while he waits for Chef Mom in the next room. 

A spatula. These are rarely seen on the menu. They’re sort of like those Japanese puffer fish—eaten wrong, they can hurt you, but if you get them just right, that chewy rubber goodness almost makes up for the vaguely medicinal aftertaste of the plastic handle. So, diners, beware, but if you’re flexible on your eating times (eating at 5:00 instead of 4:58), you might enjoy this place.