Monday, April 29, 2019

It's Published!

My fifth book was published within the last few days and the Amazon post went live today (Kindle not available for a few more days). It's already at #20 in sales for genre so I'm really excited.  Please consider a "dead tree" book. (My publisher is doing a last-minute tweak of the Kindle version.)  100% of the sales go to animal rescue, Search Dog Foundation, and occasionally a check for a Blogville member that is facing a big Vet bill for their furry loved one.

Thanks for your support and friendship! (and now you know what the "b" in "lb" stands for.)


  1. Please let us know when the Kindle version is ready. I am looking forward to reading your book.

    1. They're working on it now. I wil let you know.

  2. Congratulations! All best wishes for yet another best-seller. 🌟

  3. That is wonderful. Congrats and good luck with the sales. We hope they go very well.


Welcome to The Book of Barkley and the Blogville dog blogging community. This blog was created for more memories of Barkley as well as updates on our Lab Rescues that have joined our household since Barkley left us.

Stop in and say hello. However, comments from strangers offering business links will NOT be posted. I