Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Branching Out

You all remember the dog elevator?  It was built with a winch motor and some lumber when Lorelei Lab couldn't do the stairs any longer. 

That thing behind it is the Juniper Bush from hell.

Despite whacking at it regularly, it just kept growing and taking over much of the yard. Juniper is also toxic to dogs and although Barkley, Abby, and Lorelei ignored it, Sunny wants to eat it like it's a bag of Doritos.  So out it comes.

So my husband decided to slay it, once and for all.  So after I got done with a week of work in DC (the meeting that would not die) it started. It took a couple of evenings after work , most of one weekend, and numerous sandwiches, but it's done.  

We didn't find a job of prohibition-era moonshine like we did when the front porch was rebuilt, but there was a maple tree trying its best to grow in there and a bunch of catnip (which explains the stoned long-hair car we'd find lounging on the dog elevator ramp, totally obvious to the fact dogs live here),.

The brush pile is as tall as my truck. 

Now to get rid of the remains.  Maybe it just needs the right sign.

Out of fireworks? - This will light up like the 4th with extra pops and crackling (Firemen not included)

Must rehome - Emotional Support Brush Pile

Free Free-Range Kindling

DIY Viking Funeral - just add boat and dead Viking

$50 - Natural Gin Flavoring. 

Failing that - we'll call the arborists who took out our 2 dead spruce trees and see if they want some mulch material when they're in the neighborhood.   
Hey Napoleon - my Mom and Dad left this GIANT pile of sticks unattended.



  1. That Juniper was a monster, WOW! I think the viking ad might work.

  2. I hope no-one adds to your pile with their dead trees! That's what seems to happen round here.

  3. Free form art project....assembly , imagination required. Sign for pile.

    1. I LIKE that. We're waiting on the tree service to come by and make mulch out of it. they said they would next time they had a job in our neighborhood (they're local).


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