Sunday, July 28, 2024

Hits and Misses

With a young rescue dog in the house, quiet time to write is at a premium - so sometimes it's best to just admit defeat and let your afternoon "go to the dogs".

Today's training with my Partner in Grime (my husband EJ) and Sunny was catching a ball from a prone position.  Though she's 14 months old she lived in a crate for 10 months so she's a bit behind in social skills and training but is quite smart and eager to please.  

Not sure how much "we" learned, but it was fun.

Wait!  I wasn't ready!
Did I tell you I wasn't ready?

It went THAT way!

Sunny grabs the ball - Take # 37.
Poetry in motion!


  1. Lovely photos. Sunny is such a beauty.
    This brings back memories of my teaching Sultan (Labrador No1) to catch a ball. He was absolutely fantastic and always managed a catch, even if it meant running across the lawn like an Olympic sprinter and diving into the flower borders! He had ancestors who were Field Trial champions and loved to catch or retrieve everything. He would play for hours, until we were exhausted, but he was still raring to go!

    1. Thank you. Abby Lab didn't like to play fetch at all, Barkley of course loved to, which I wrote of in "his" book. Lorelei also loved her ball and ran as long as the arthritis allowed her to. Sunny is just now finding out it's fun (but she wanted no part of the little wading pool to play in the water).

  2. That's so sweet and it looks like the learning is happening quickly!

    1. She's very smart. But she's still got the "get into mischief" puppy thing going on so training isn't perfect, but we incorpoate a little of it every day into the "fun".


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