Thursday, April 21, 2016

In Today's News

I was sitting in the eye doctors office, waiting for the yearly exam, thumbing  some ancient reading material. Oh look, an old news headline. . .

10 killed in bat stampede in South Africa.

Oh wait, I guess that word was "bar".

I hate to admit it , but it appears rebel pilot girl needs reading glasses.


  1. Our Mom had to get glasses recently.... Abby you gotta do this... it is a RIOT... wait until she bends down... and Swipe your nose over the lenses.... You should SEE the Reaction that causes... SEE!!! BaaaaWaaaah I made a Frankie Funny fur you...SEE... Glassess.... and SNOT SMEAR...
    Let me know how it goes... Ernie and I take Turns... Smearing Mom's. Just sayin.

    1. Mom left her glasses on the edge of the tub while she has her eyes closed for her little glass of single malt scotch and bubbly bath. snoot snoot snoot snoot. PERFECT smear! You guys rock, I'd never have thought of that.

      Abby "The Nose" Lab

  2. BOL - Mom says she totally gets it:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

    1. She's not as bad as grandpa. She was driving him past the big box mart type of pet store and he said "Pet WHOREHOUSE, what IS this world coming too". It was pet WAREHOUSE.

  3. Wait'll they're bifocals, or worse, like DH, trifocals!

  4. Yep mom went to pick up her new glasses this week also. Her old ones, were Old. So now she is getting use to the new ones, with headaches, what fun. stella rose

  5. Our mom can see perfectly . . . except for the first 3 feet and then she can't see a thing BOL!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. Shoot! We were hoping for the bat stampede! Our mom loves bats!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  7. LOL that happened to me too... I gave in as I ran straight in a glass door of a drug store... there was no whitewasher or excuse for my bloody nose lol


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