Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Just Another Typical Abby Lab Evening at the Johnson House

Is that Mom's Truck?

Is that Mom's Truck?

Is that Mom's Truck?
Me:  Hi Abby I'm home!  (Why are there 87 plastic grocery bags all over the kitchen floor?)

Abby:  Mom! It's ten past Food O'Clock! You're always home at least an hour before Food O'Clock. That's the second time in the last couple of weeks (insert Elvis curled lip here). You understand my frustration and why I got into the cabinet and pulled out ALL the poopy collection bags that all now have holes in them and are scattered all over the kitchen. Guess you'll have to go buy more foodables tomorrow so you have bags that won't leak.

 Me: (Sigh) Sorry, Abby, I had meetings that made me have to stay late.

 Abby: Well, don't let it happen again. Here to help you out - I bought you a watch! Look at the watch - it's seventeen minutes to Food O'Clock.  Make sure you're home by then.

 Me: Thanks, Abby but where did you find the money?

 Abby: I used your credit card.  And I might have bought a couple of other items . . . . 

 Me: Abby- WHY is there a giant semi truck coming down the street with the words "CHEWY" on it?


  1. How we would love to see that truck coming down our street!!! Wait, we got two deliveries this week from those nice peeps.

    Abby, we don't like it either when dinnertime stretches past Food o'clock!!!

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  2. Hari OM
    Uuhh oohhh.... Watch out for restrictions Abby!!! Here I am back after a long while, and I find you getting into mischief... situation normal then. All is good! I's still in the downunderparts of the planet. Will be back to the Bonny Land in a month and then back into full blogging swing again. Meanwhile, enjoy the foodables. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. BRAVO GURL!!!!! OMD, you like gave me sooooooooo many ideas! That is what Blogville is about, right? We doggies have to exchange ideas on how to gets foodables, or we might just STARVE!!!!!!! nows....where is Ma's purse.....
    Ruby ♥

  4. OH Abby you are our hero!!!! stella rose

  5. OMD OMD Past the Food O'Clock Dead Lion??? WHAT was she Thinking...????? You could have STARVED to Deaf. No Wonder you were FORCED to FORAGE fur your OWN Foodables... it is in our nature to HUNT fur our own foodables... SHE should KNOW that.
    OMD we LOVE that Watch the Time or ELSE thingy. It has your beautiful picture on it so she WON'T DARE be late fur FOOD O'Clock again.
    You also did the correct thingy... get HER Fleasa Card and Charge a BuNCH on IT... Save YOUR Fleasa Card fur Non Emergency Purchases.
    WOW, did you leave ANYTHINGY in the CHEWY.COM warehouse???

    1. There may still be a few treats for you at chewy, but I stocked up on the Blue Buffalo sticks - my favorite!

  6. Does Abby dance, when it's Food O'Clock? Indy sure does! He dances and spins.

    1. She snoots my knee with her nose. The dance starts in abundance as soon as the bowl is filled.

  7. Sometimes you just have to take things into your own paws!

  8. what a clever girl!!!... and that cards are not only chewing toys I think... you can do much more with it :o)


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