Thursday, July 11, 2019

Memories of Barkley - Threads of Fancy

I put up a post about this Etsy business run by a dear friend of a long time female pilot friend. But I had to repost after I got my handcrafted stuffed dog from her.
Photos from Jeannie's Etsy Shop (click on picture to enlarge)

My friend Dot whose husband married us, and who has been a long time pilot friend, told me about a roommate she had when she was a young woman. She showed up at her apartment one night with "Jeannie, you know how I wasn't going to Awesome Costume Ball tonight because I had to work a double shift? Work suddenly realized how much overtime I've already worked this week and let me go for the day... But I have no costume, so I just came to see you, and say hi before you have fun!"

Her roommate's response was to make her friend a meal, take a piece of string to Dot, and then turn a bolt of fabric into a rocking grunge fairy outfit.  Off the top of her head, with a pattern she designed. In a few hours. Just because Jeannie wanted Dot to be able to hang out with friends, too. These days, she's using that incredible imagination and awesome skill set to make the most amazing stuffed animals you didn't think could exist.

I got mine in the mail today, and even though I didn't tell her what kind of dog Barkley was, or what color, she totally nailed it.  I felt like Barkley was looking down on her and directing her hands and it just made me cry (but in a happy way, remembering all the good times).


  1. That's a great friend. So talented. Love your 'Barkley'.

  2. What an amazing replication of Barkley!!! She is a very talented lady.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. She actually had never seen a picture of Barkley and didn't even know the breed. So this is extra special.

  3. oh that's a wonderful barkley! I wish I had at least a little bit talent to make such wonderful things with my hands to... but I have the 10 thumbs... sigh

  4. Your "new toy" is adorable, we have to go check out her Etsy shop ...

  5. Wow, she did a great job! Some people are just very talented!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  6. I'm so glad you love him too! I kept picking up other black fabrics, and you're right, something kept nudging me back to that one!


Welcome to The Book of Barkley and the Blogville dog blogging community. This blog was created for more memories of Barkley as well as updates on our Lab Rescues that have joined our household since Barkley left us.

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