Friday, January 3, 2020

Frosty the Snowman

I said I was sorry.

You remember the lyrics from Frosty the Snowman?

Thumpity thump thump
Thumpity thump-thump
Look at Frosty go.

Were finishing dinner in the next room enjoying a glass of wine when from the living room we hear.

Thumpity thump thump
Thumpity thump-thump

Lorelei's big "tail of doom" is whacking the wood baseboard of the couch as she's fiercely wagging, happy about something.  She's on the floor with the Frosty Plush Christmas decoration in her mouth, swiped off the table with the aluminum Christmas tree on it and running with it!

Look at Frosty go!  Quick get it!
After a brief chase, Frosty was rescued with only minor tooth damage to his felt hat.  I think we had a second glass of wine.


  1. Those lyrics finally make sense.

  2. I bet Frosty wishes he was with the creepy old magician

  3. BOL!!!! Way to go gurl!!!! Man, I've been slackin' off ~ didn't even THINK to do that this year...sigh. Thanks for the reminder for next year....or Easter...
    Ruby ♥

  4. That cuteness is definitely something to toast. Cheers!

  5. LOL BOL!!

    I wish I had a tail that thumps like that. But, alas, I have only a stumpy tail. Oh, but I'd have given that squeaky toy a bit more chewing if I'd gotten a hold of it!


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