Wednesday, October 21, 2020

New Book Out!!

My short story "Lessons on Loss" (about my Submariner brother)  has been published in the anthology "Writer Shed Stories - Love and Sacrifice, edited by award-winning author David W. Berner.  I was very honored to have my story selected as only 15 stories out of the 300 entrants were picked.  Several are Midwest authors but there are selections from all over the world. Being so sick much of this year, this was the only serious piece of writing I did and I'm proud of it.

"WRITER SHED STORIES, Vol. 2, LOVE & SACRIFICE is a collection of short fiction, memoir, poetry, and creative nonfiction from authors all over the world. The aim of Writer Shed Press is to offer stories that leave lasting impressions, words that linger long after you've read them. WRITER SHED STORIES is published annually by Writer Shed Press and edited by award-winning author David W. Berner."

It is available now on Amazon and at independent bookstores.


  1. Oh, this sounds FABulous! I am so sorry you are still under the weather. Sendin' lots of POTP and healin' vibes your way ♥
    Ruby ♥

    1. Thank you - it's been a tough 8 months - two hospital visits 2 months on antibiotics and 2 months puking because of the antibiotics. This was the only serious writing I did this year so any support is appreciated. The book, though small, is only $5.99 at Amazon.

  2. Congrats on having your story included. David Berner is a wonderful author. I hope you start improving soon and begin to feel better.


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