Thursday, May 23, 2024

In Remembrance:

Lorelei W. (Wigglebutt) Johnson 
5/7/2013 - 5/22/2024 
We said our goodbyes in the backyard with Dr. Maura. A high wind came up last night, no rain, or thunder, just a mighty wind that blew all night and, in the morning, there were no cicadas in our yard. So, we set up a picnic basket full of “chimkin,” treats, cheese, and yogurt in the soft grass and got in lots of pats and cuddles. There was no fear, no pain, and no anxiety; only sun, warmth, and love. EJ and I said goodbye, holding her close and talking to our “foofy dog” with those words she knew so well. Where else could we be but to just be there as the needle quietly slipped in and she was free from all burden, one surge, one leap towards the light so easily and joyously, losing all sense of restraint, weightless upon the warm, invisible air. Lorelei was free, the pain of bone and flesh departed, only one long, joyous, soundless bark as she went Home to wait by the Rainbow Bridge until we can catch up.


  1. Hugs you guys, she had a fun life with you all. Love her middle name. !

  2. So sorry for your loss. We know she was so loved during her time with you.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  3. We're so sorry to hear that Lorelei has crossed the Bridge. How wonderful that you could do it at home in your backyard where she felt comfortable. Our paws are crossed and we send warm hugs to all her family.

  4. I'm so very sorry it was time for beautiful Loreleii and I know it's never easy losing such a special soul. Love and hugs from all of us.

  5. Once again, my condolences to you and your family. I'm sure that Lorelei is with Barkley and he's teaching her all kinds of things at the Bridge. Most importantly, she is now free of pain and young once again. Lots of hugs and love coming your way.

  6. That is a beautiful way you describe saying goodbye to your darling family member. I believe dogs will be greeting us when we arrive in heaven.

  7. My sincere condolences at the passing of lovely Lorelei...she lived her best life with you two with such precious moments shared as she passed
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Lorelei went peacefully Home, as did our Mauzie girl the Dachshund after having immigrated to Georgia with us and exactly to the day having lived here 2 years.
    We love our fur babies but it is heart breaking to see them suffer!
    Mariette + Kitties

  9. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Lorelei. It's so hard to say good-by. Huge hugs♥

  10. Farewell, beautiful, rest peacefully now.

  11. We are sorry you had to part from Lorelai. You have years of memories to look over. May they bring osome comfort.

  12. A glorious passing for Lorelei, at home, a last taste and smell of good food, and her family beside her. We should all move to the next world so easily. And yet such a sad passing, too, as they always will be when friends and family are parted. Godspeed, Lorelei; your family will see you again.

  13. I am so sorry that your precious Lorelei had to become an angel.
    Fly free, Lorelei!

    May all the wonderful memories you made over the years bring you much comfort now.

    I have made you a memento to honor Lorelei...I will post it to my blog, later can snag it there. I don't have an email address...Maybe zI can send it to yopur FB if I can find it.

  14. I am so sorry that it was time for Lorelei to cross the bridge. And my heart is happy that she had no fear or pain in the transition. I know you will grieve, and miss her terribly. Amy

  15. Thank you everyone for your kind and loving thoughts. It's been hard without her, and Sunny, our new rescue is missing her, but we are taking joy in the memories as we make new ones. - Brigid

  16. I am so sorry to learn of the passing of Lorelei. I know she brought your much joy in your lives. I have followed your blog for many years but very rarely comment.

  17. Thinking of you and thank you for sharing her with us.

  18. So sorry for the loss of your sweet Lorelei. Soft Pawkisses to comfort you🐾😽💞
    Fly free beautiful Soul✨

  19. Sorry for your loss and thank you for providing a home for Lorelei.
    This is a little off topic, but I know you have mentioned in the past that it is a good idea to get pet insurance especially when adopting a senior dog. Can you recommend a good pet insurance policy? I will be adopting an eight year old dog next week and would like to have coverage set up by the time of the adoption.

    1. Mrs S - thank you for your kind words and congrats on the new adoption. I didn't get Pet insurance for Lorelei, after having it for several previous rescues I found they kept raising the premiums constantly (for not that high of coverage) and and for 2 dogs I was paying over $3500 a year, which is not even close to what I was paying for unexpected medical expenses (pet insurance normally doesn't cover routine and preventative care). I put that money in the bank and when we needed a fairly large sum for Lorelei's ortho and cancer care, we had more than enough available. Just my own experience.


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