Monday, July 18, 2016

Dog Days of Summers - Gals Day Out

My husband is on the road again this week and after teleworking I had some time to myself as I started work at a VERY early hour since husband was launching on an O-Dawn Hundred flight.

What kind of adventure could Abby and I  get into?

It's going to be hard to top "telework lunch" (SO much better than those sandwiches from the machines at work that are carbon dated for freshness)

BLT with candied bacon and Basil Aoili  and a cup of homemade soup.

I think I will start by calling a couple of gal friends. We could start with a bike ride around the Village.
I think I'll pass - I have discovered there is a REASON the first aid kids are sold next to the bikes and will wait until we can go in a park with paths, and not in rush hour traffic
I could go to the store and get a Ball for Abby.

I remember when I did that for Barkley (who was on his lead in the yard in my little crash pad condo that wasn't fenced).
It was little surprise from Big Box Mart.  He went into modified point with it. I knew it wouldn't last long, but for a $2, my friend Dorothy and I  just considered it "cover charge" as we watched.

He tried to first hump it (get your blurry dog photos here!) but as it rolled that didn't work out so well, think less love scene in Romeo and Juliet and more bears mating on roller skates.

Then he tried to bite it. That also wasn't working so well, the jaws, just NOT big enough.
My friend and I watched from the tailgate of my truck safety of the jeep, with a glass of mead.

It was only a matter of time.

Is there another one?
I think I'll pass on the ball, Abby tends to like stuffie toys, but it would be a good night to hang with some female friends.

I had to tell them I actually saw the Batmobile on Interstate 70!

Me:.  "I waved, he waved.  But he didn't signal when he was changing lanes."(Seriously, I about ZAP!POW! BAM!'d his back bumper when he suddenly cut in front of me.)

Friend #1."The Bat Signal is only for use in emergencies."

Friens #2: "People signal Batman; Batman doesn't signal people."

Then we'll play with Abby. She gets very excited when people come over and does this "crocodile death roll" on the couch while making little noises like a demented air compressor.  Then she moves in with those big brown eyes for those pats and loves.
pet me pet me pet me pet me

Then some dinner - I think we should just have dessert with dinner.  With wine as we have a designated driver.  

Pavlova - meringue shell full of fresh whipping cream and topped with fresh fruit.

Then back home to sit out on the porch with some wine while Abby soaks up all the pats and loves.

Sounds like a plan!  Abby might not have a ball - but as they say in the United States "We will have a ball!"


  1. SOunds like you have plenty of good options but you better start out with the pets Abby is wanting!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Drinking wine and good belly rubs sounds like the best way to spend the day. It's a win win for everyone involved.

    Aroo to you,


  3. Ah Military Husband is currently in Boston this week! I'm alllll by myselfffffff! Pretty dull! Haha

    1. It was a short night as everyone works, and we're all squirrel. but it was good. We just needed a real TV and a Marvel show.

  4. OMD, Ma and I will be right overs!!!! That sounds like a FABulous plan! I'll bring some stuffies for you, and some balls for me and we can have funs til the foodables come and use our big brown for some of that bacon!!!! oh, and that fruit looked mighty tasty too! hey, you gots any cookies??? I likes cookies...and bacon.
    Ruby ♥

    1. Mom just cracked up remembering the Barkley incident withe "the ball". Go check her healthy eating blog. She has a chili recipe where you can sub a couple of the ingredients for TEQUILA!

  5. Hari OM
    That's a grand day, if you ask me! YAM xx

  6. Oh my gosh - it all sounds wonderful!

    Monty, Harlow and Ramble

  7. Abby we are happy your mom keeps you safe in the hot weather. OUr Angel Greta loved the wading pool. Since it will be in the 90's all week (98 on Thurs they say) Mom told Dad to get the pool out and see if I like it
    Bailey & Hazel too who DO NOt like the pool

  8. What a wonderful day you and Abby had! The food looks delicious!

  9. the mama got leaky eyes as she saw your paw-lova... either because she would like to eat one or she remembered her epic paw-lova fail what caused a collective laughing fit in australia once :o)


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