Sunday, June 3, 2018

Labrador Five-O

A friend of mine is having a birthday.  It can be hard to find just the right card for a treasured friend who is not happy about hitting the big Five-0.

But I found one  :-)

Tomorrow is crazy busy - so I'll see you all on Tuesday  (if my friend doesn't kill me  :-)


  1. Ha Ha - that's a good one for sure.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Pee Ess - Happy Birthday to your friend.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Happy Birthday to your treasured friend.
    All things considered having a sense of humor
    is a good quality in a forever friendship.
    Cheers to another 50+ years to your friend.
    Bottoms up.
    We send a big slobbery kiss.

    xo Astro

  4. LOL good one... better than the condolence cards the mama and her freaky friends write for decadal birthdays ;O)))

  5. Oh, THAT's why my tooth broke. I was thinking 75 was the age to switch to senior cat food!

    Here's to another 50 crunchy years to your friend...


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