Saturday, August 31, 2019

Dog Warning Signs

I took a short walk this afternoon, as a small package had mistakenly been left on my porch instead of a house a few houses down, where it was meant to go.  The wind had blown my screen open so the actual address wasn't visible. and the guy in the little delivery van most have just "guessed".

No worries - I got the package dropped off.  But on the way home, at a house a few doors down where there are several small children, a new sign was in the  front window.


I wondered at that as I wouldn't imagine they'd get a large, aggressive dog with a couple of children under the age of 4.  The dog they did have got out once and barked at Abby and when she barked back the dog RAN. . . .  YIP YIP YIP YIPYIPYIP back to the safety of the yard. Once, when my husband was out in the yard, and it ran free, it barked at him, he stomped his foot and YIP YIP YIP YIPYIPYIP back to the safety of the yard.

I saw one of the kids out playing in the backyard with his big brother, and said "did you get another dog"?

"No  - it's the same one, Mom just got the sign to warn people".



  1. Hari OM
    BOL... well, I guess she serves a purpose for those who know less... YAM xx

  2. We suppose her bark is much bigger than her bite:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Dogs around here (including us) are very fierce behind fences. We were told that having a 'Beware of Dog' sign shows you take responsibility for a dangerous dog, so we have a home made 'Have teeth, may bite' sign on our gate....BOL!

  4. People sometimes think I'm vicious because I bark at strangers. But what I'm really saying is, "hurry up, get in here, and sit down already! I want you to pet me!"

  5. We little dogs can be mighty. At least our barks are.

  6. we have a sign, but the postman said we have to change it because we have two and that confused him because he had just one treat LOL


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