Sunday, September 15, 2019

But They ARE Family!

I'm home from my Dad's and just chillin' with my husband and our two rescue Labs. My husband stayed home as with Lorelei being a new rescue we didn't both want to suddenly leave for a week, plus airfare for two is pretty $$.

It was a really nice visit though as much as I missed them all.  I was able to get Dad out for a couple of short "road trips" with a female friend to help him in and out of the car (something I can't do with the missing meniscus). My cousin Liz, who decorated his assisted living and oversaw the home sale and move did an awesome job.  So many photos and mementos of his life in our childhood home to warm him. We also drove past our old house and it's obvious it was sold to a family who cares for it.  Lots of pretty updates outside - definitely a house full of love.

So for today, as I catch up with chores and sleep, some funny Tweets from people who think about their dogs like I do.


  1. BOL, those are too funny (and relatable!)

  2. Great that you could spend time with your Dad--and didn't have to worry about the dogs. Love the tweets, I feel normal now.

  3. Momma was laughing and laughing at those. She likes the furst one the most -- I sleep in a dog bed too -- a queen-sized one I let her share!

  4. Glad you had a nice visit with your dad. I am all those tweets!


Welcome to The Book of Barkley and the Blogville dog blogging community. This blog was created for more memories of Barkley as well as updates on our Lab Rescues that have joined our household since Barkley left us.

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