Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Should I Eat This - A Labrador Flowchart

Sunny - attempting to eat dinner while Dad is still carrying in the food bowl from the porch where the food bin is kept.

So for those of you who have loved a Labrador, or have a Labrador puppy, I present. . . 


  1. HA! That is a really fun flowchart and it makes good pupsense!

  2. If it's in our bowl, we are good to go:)

    Thank you for your kind thoughts on the passing of Lightning.

    Woos - Misty and Timber


Welcome to The Book of Barkley and the Blogville dog blogging community. This blog was created for more memories of Barkley as well as updates on our Lab Rescues that have joined our household since Barkley left us.

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