Saturday, June 15, 2024

Cicada-Free Kong Adventures


Finally, after a little over a month since they started crawling out of the ground and circling our house like a busy day at O'Hare, the Cicadas are dying off.  Yesterday was the first time in a month Sunny has been able to play in the yard without an anti-cicada eating muzzle (she thinks they're flying pork rinds, but though, not poisonous they can cause some serious tummy upset with their hard exoskeletons).

I think she enjoyed every minute.  I know we did.


  1. LOL! Flying pork rinds is too funny. I am sure glad some fun was had!!!

  2. Glad your yard is useable again. Lee and Phod

  3. I've just found your blog.
    The first photo reminds me so much of my very first Labrador, Sultan, as a puppy, almost 40 years ago!

  4. Welcome, Coppa's girl. I think I got my first Lab 35 years ago. The only photos are old print ones though. Sunny's my third rescue. We've had her 3 months, released from a breeder due to a minor leg deformity that made her "unsellable" so she was surrendered to a rescue organization. - Brigid


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