Friday, June 21, 2024

Lorelei's Rainbow Friends

I was so touched to see this banner that the women at Our Rainbow Friends did in a post in honor of Lorelei's passing.  They truly captured her spirit in the color and the art.  There's a banner for them on my sidebar - each month they honor some of the special pets here in the pet blogosphere who have left for the Bridge.

Thank you Linda (DeWeenies of Florida)Ann (Zoolatry) and Carol (A Shutterbug Explores) Your compassion and artistry brought a wistful smile in what is a difficult journey for u all. 


  1. I always have to have a box of tissues close by whenever I start working on the pictures for 'Our Rainbow Friends'. Every picture represents a heartbroken family left behind as their beloved pet crosses the Rainbow Bridge. I understand the heartbreak and the tears as I have been there so many times myself. It's difficult every month but I feel I need to do it to spread the word that there is a family out there in need of a few extra hugs. I am very happy that I was able to capture Lorelei's spirit in a small way. And thank you for your post today.

  2. This group does such a beautiful job at honouring our losses.


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