Sunday, September 8, 2024

Where the Wubba Meets the Woad

 Since we brought Sunny home from Chicagoland Lab Rescue in late March - we've gone through countless dog toys, many ignored after the initial playtime (2 minutes, I'm bored. . NEXT) to completely destroyed in 5 minutes.

This one was a hit - the Kong Wubba.  It looks like an octopus but it's a Kong that squeaks, covered in a very durable fabric with tentacles.
You can throw it, play tug of war with it and it floats in the kiddie pool.

It's the one toy she wants to play with all the time, and other than one very minor  stitching repair on one tentacle from the last stages of "puppy" teeth, it's still in great shape.  
We got ours at our favorite online pets tore -  They're  $9.99 right now. 
Throw it ONE more time Dad!


  1. WeeeeeOoooo, she sure was having a big old time with that one!

  2. Looks like a good one for my new puppy sitting job.

  3. That looks a good toy to play with Sunny!
    My favourite is a soft toy - a stripey zebra called Ziggy. He was the very first one I had, so he's had a few repairs but still in one piece. Mind you, you can't beat a tennis ball for a really satisfying chew!
    Paca xx


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