Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sunday Black and White - Suppertime!

I think it's time for supper Mom!

Thanks to our hosts Nola and Sugar!


  1. Yup, looks like it is!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. What gave you that Idea??? Could it have been the Puddle of Drool on the floor???

    1. Mom boils up a couple of chicken breasts on Sunday to use in her salads she totes to work, along with some chopped veggies and beans for "meat free" day salads. Since they are not seasoned, she takes a big piece and chops it up into little bits which I get if I'm good while she's at work and don't eat any more of her Castle tapes. I'm learning, and I LOVE chicken.

      Abby Lab

  3. Slurp - we just finished ours - hope yours was as tasty as ours was.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. We love dinnertime!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  5. Mmm, the smell of delicious food in the air?!
    We (and our human) thank you for your warm kind words on the sudden passing of our 19-year-old Tanya. It is comforting to know that you care and love animals just as much.
    Purrs, headbutts and hugs.

  6. Yup! Supper time all right! Hooray!

  7. TOTALLY agree! It's supper-o'clock somewhere -- right?!?!

  8. Suppertime is the bestest time... can I come for supper?


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