Friday, February 9, 2018

Flower Friday FAIL

We were going to post some flowers for
 Miss Rosy at

Where Rosie lives has all sorts of 
pretty flowers popping up!
But there are no flowers to see!
Nope, they're not under the snow either
I'll go fluff up the snow so the
 flowers can bloom if they want to
Wow, it's deep in the back of the yard.
Mr. Bun - are you under your bush condo?
Insert theme song from Jaws here.
The snow is no match for my mandibles of death!
Well, there were no flowers
but there was lots of FUN!


  1. Hari oM
    BOL. Abby, some how you managed to make me think there are flowers there anyway!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. We don't has SNOW or hardly any flowers.

  3. Oh no Abby thank goodness you are a shiny black Lab.
    We heard there was lots of snow heading your way.
    Not braggin' or nuttin' but it will be 72 here Sunday.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  4. OH, we think snow is as beautiful as any flower:) We heard Chicago was going to get hit hard. We seem to just miss it all the time.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. My husband shoveled about 7 inches this morning, and I got another 6 inches to shovel today (plus the two feet of heavy wet snow the snow plow guy shoved into our driveway grrrr.) Dinner was wine and pizza, much needed.

  5. Wow you got a lot of snow!
    Hazel & Mabel

  6. Wow! You have a lot of snow. But it's still coming down here. Maybe we'll catch up with you


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