Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Postcards from Paris Blog Hop

Abby Lab here. My fella Frankie Furter and I have jetted off to Paris with our fur-ends to celebrate Valentine's Day in the most romantic city on earth. The Postcards from Paris blog hop is hosted by Arty, Jakey, and Rosie at:


Our paw-rents told us to write so we did. I couldn't find a postcard so I did an old-fashioned letter.
But it has a special STAMP!~

Frankie and I are standing in front of the Louvre art museum.
I liked seeing the Mona Lisa with Frankie Furter at the art museum, but I think she would have smiled more if she had a dog.


  1. Hari OM
    I am sure of it Abby, the ML definitely has a bigger smile!!! That stamp is super special. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. That is so true! Momma smiles LOTS more in pictures with me.

  3. So true dogs give us joy! Mona Lisa needed a dog.
    Trip over love, you can get up. Fall in love and you fall forever.
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Sweet William The Scot

  4. Abby dear girl...when you are blessed with such lovely black furs all you need is to accessorize with a nice collar. You and Frankie look adorable on the stamp and I for one think we need to campaign for a real Abby and Frankie stamp. Mona Lisa was for sure moanin' for some puppy love. What a clever photo
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Dat looks like so much fun and we totes agree if she had a dog she would have been way more cheerful in dat picsur :) Happy Valentines Day!!

    Matt & Matilda

  6. Looks like you and sweet Frankie are having a most wonderful time. Happy Valentine's Day

  7. We agree - everyone has to HAVE a dog to have smiles in their lives all the time. It was a very fun time in Paris!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. We think you're right, Mona Lisa would have smiled bunches more if she had a dog! We love your stamp with you and Frankie!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Rosy, Jakey and Arty

  9. We love your stamp! And the Mona Lisa does look better with a dog! Happy Valentine's Day!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  10. Wow! Looks like you had a great time! It was nice to see Frankie again. Please say hi to him and his family for us.

  11. We are all having such a great time
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Hazel & Mabel

  12. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your pawrents. It looks like you and Frankie had a great time.

  13. I have always wondered about Mona Lisa’s smile. You’re absolutely right! A dog would have made her smile much bigger.

  14. yes... you are right... her smile would be much broader and she wouldn't have such wrinkles around her mouth if she had a dog... the solution can be so easy sometimes;o) happy Valentines day!

  15. Oh totally completed the Mona Lisa! WELL done. Looks like you and your beau had a pawsome time in 'Pawris.'

  16. I am only surprised that Mona didn't have her arms around you, Abby Lab! Hoping you and your family had a wonderful day.

  17. I am only surprised that Mona didn't have her arms around you, Abby Lab! Hoping you and your family had a wonderful day.


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