Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday Smiles

There is nothing funny about the coronavirus, and the toll it is taking on our country and our medical personnel and first responders.  But I have had to try and find humor in the whole quarantine/shelter in place as we were officially quarantined at home after my husband was exposed to it on a flight out of Singapore.  It's been 5 weeks since I left my house and my husband and I are both working from home.  So for today, just some smiles. . .


  1. We must find the honour where we can. I don't think it subtracts from the seriousness of it. We ar at 2.5 weeks. Hubby has been out a few times for essentials.

  2. All funny,but I laughed out loud at the dog at the computer working from home and a herd of sheep on the screen. That was super funny.

  3. LOL BOL! I never knew there was a TP Man!

  4. Thanks for the laughs. Yes, this is serious but we will come through It. Stay safe.

  5. Hahaha...loved the socks field day. 🤣

  6. BOL! OMD, too funny! Those earrings are priceless! (just like TP....)
    Ruby ♥


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