Saturday, November 10, 2018

Praying for Paradise

Please, everyone, send prayers and/or healing thoughts to the people of Paradise California and other parts of the state hit by the fire.

A member of my family lost their home, and being out of state at the time visiting my Dad was not able to take out ANY items of sentimental value or any financial records.  My cousin  Liz lost a winter's supply of hay for her horse that is stored there for Buddy the horse for the winter, and her 20-year partner in life had an Aunt that lost a home as well. It was a blessing she joined them on the road trip, otherwise, she might not have made it out, being quite elderly.

Also a blessing, Buddy, the horse was still at a family cabin in the high Sierras, he doesn't get moved down to winter valley home until Thanksgiving.  Even with someone to feed him, given the short time to evacuate, I doubt he would have made it to safety.

All are at the cabin in the Sierras, including a Paradise neighbor that simply had no other place to go as she's quite elderly. The Aunt has a sister in Portland, they can take her there to live eventually.  The elderly neighbor will be with them as long as she needs even if she is not a relative. That's the kind of person my cousin Liz is. The log cabin is not fancy, but it has all the basics for comfort and has room to house a family.  I've spent many a summer there when I was much younger.

But they are in total shock so any prayers are appreciated.  My husband and I are tweaking the budget to replace all the hay.  The horse and I sort of have an "I won't ride you if you don't bite me" detente thing going but as a pet groomer that is self-employed Liz just doesn't have the means to replace that much hay, especially with the post-fire price gouging that will likely go on.

We're family, that's what we do.


  1. Hari Om
    POTP at work this side... so late in the season for having these awful fires. YAM xx

    1. Thank you. If they thought it was a risk they wouldn't have left the state.

  2. This is so heartbreaking. My prayers go to everyone affected by this tragedy. Glad your family is safe. Hugs..

    1. Between hurricanes and fires it's been a rough couple of years for those we care about. Thanks for your kind words.

  3. My heart just breaks for all those affected in these fires, as it does for your family members. Sorry does not seem like enough to say. But they are all in my prayers that they find safety and the means to provide for their families, two and four legged. Please let us know how they are doing.

    1. Thank you. The cabin is warm and comfy and has a fireplace and a good water source. It's also only 7 miles from a town with a large grocers and they have four wheel drive to get out to the plowed highway from their private road.

  4. Prayers going up big time. I am not far from this fire and our home is surrounded by thick smoke. I also have direct experience with fire since I lost my home in the Valley fire 3 years ago.

    If any of your family members want or need a handknit hat, I would be happy to send one to them. Nothing fancy, but warm and comforting.

    1. I'm so sorry you lost a home like that. I've had major flood damage but never a home that was a total loss. Thanks for the offer of the hat, they are pretty outdoorsy folks so are well prepared.

  5. That is so sad. We are glad they are all safe but the losses are still tough to bear. Lots of prayers from all of us.

  6. First, I am relieved to read that everyone and Buddy are alive and uninjured. Second, prayers will go up for comfort, safety and care for all those affected.

  7. One of my friend's sister lost everything last year (had to flee in the night) and due to being under insured are still stuck. Wishing all those who lost the best.

  8. It is so devastating to watch on the News.
    We send our prayers to each and everyone
    who have lost their homes.
    ♥Linda Jeff Astro & Mitzie

  9. So sorry to hear this, and, as others have expressed, very grateful everyone survived and have a place to live. May God bless them in rebuilding their lives.


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