Thursday, February 7, 2019


The photo is the little "pocket Titanic" complete with iceberg and lifeboats that sits in my office.  It has silently made its way onto the table in meetings before.

All I can say after a very busy week getting caught up post furlough. . . .

Thank Dog tomorrow is Friday!
Could I have a treat while you pour that second class of Chardonnay Mom?


  1. Mom doesn't work, but she says it has been a very long tiring work here too. Maybe she needs to pour some chardonnay too:) And then maybe we would get some treats too.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. So many people had a crazy week. Hope your weekend is relaxing.

  3. Ghostwriter says she can think of several analogies for that sinking Titanic. A lot of times she has to keep the Titanic from sinking by telling her staff that things will be all right no matter how dire they look at the start of the shift. A good sense of humor helps too.

  4. After those kinds of weeks, chardonnay never seems to be strong enough. Let's hope the ship gets righted real soon. 😊


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