Monday, June 20, 2016

Chipmunk Cheeks

Abby Lab here -

Mom had to to to the Dent-ist today to have a couple fillings from childhood replaced as well as a new filling for a cavity they found on her checkup.

She's a little sore and puffy and the dentist told her she can't have anything hard or crunchy this evening.
So she said no ice in the single malt with her piece of chocolate

We will see you all tomorrow.


  1. Hari om
    BOL oh I mean, what a shame... :-) Abby, I will carch up on efurrybuddy when I gat back to Dunoon... right now am jn Ohio, but will fly to Canada today for the final 10 days of my big afventure! Hugs and wags and POTP for mum, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. A single malt with no rocks?! Your momma is being deprived.

  3. Sounds like a good plan:) Our Mom is not fond of those trips to the dentist. She too has lots of those old fillings that keep needing replacing:( We are glad we don't have to do that.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. We hope that your mom's CHIPMUNK CHEEKS are GONE today...

    HEY... if we could get Squirrels to have Chipmunk Cheeks... do you suppose that would cause Squirrels to disappear?

  5. Our mom is NOT a fan of the dentist at ALL. stella rose
    ps. good luck to your momma

  6. Ghostwriter had a big piece come off a tooth recently. It was because of a big old filling from 40+ years ago. Time for another crown, she says. Funny, I don't remember seeing ghostwriter walking around with a crown on her head. But she says she has lots of them. Sometimes humans are just too confusing!


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