Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday Night Chilling

When you rub a couple of drops of Young Living Frankincense Essential Oil between your hands and then rub on your dog's head (not the ears) and chest to calm them during a winter storm (Vet approved).  Works on thunderstorms too!



  1. Well, that's good to know - fireworks too maybe?

    You really do look like you are chilling, Abby.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

    1. Fireworks definitely. Not totally stress free but she won't go hide in the closet. If you want any of the YL essential oils, I am a member but I don't sell them for profit so get the discount for family and friends. Anything you want 25% off plus USPS shipping.

  2. I've started using essential oils too and am always looking for new ways to replace traditional medicine with them. Do you dilute the Frankincense, and how long did it take for Abby to get calm?

    1. Since I became a member of Young Living I've added a number of essential oils. I was able to stay off blood pressure meds using Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage, and Lavender. Those dropped my bp almost 15 points. I don't dilute the Frankincense. I use 3 drops for Abby (at 82 pounds) and warm it between my hands before applying. She usually calms down within 30 minutes. We call it "calm juice" and before a storm she will actually go sit by the drawer where I keep the oils so I can apply ahead of time.

  3. I really need to get some to try with Lee. Hope you are safe and warm.

  4. Frankincense is often called the King of Oils and one of my absolute go-tos.

    1. I add a drop to my moisturizer as well. It really helped with skin texture.

  5. We need to find a way for Mitzie to calm down too, she is very high strung.
    We had hoped it would go away once she got acclimated here.


  6. I use essential oils quite a bit, but will admit to not having used Frankincense - We'll definitely have to give it a try! Thanks!!

    Hope you all are doing well, and staying warm! Take care!

  7. oh thanks for the good idea... we will give it a try ....


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