Sunday, January 20, 2019

Walkies Play by Play

Dad, I think you forgot my evening walk (insert Elvis
Face here).
Did you hear me?  Walkies.  It's Walkies time!
Abby, you have to wait, I'm putting the leftover foodables away with Mom.

And that's more important than walkies?

Color me Sad.
Wait, Dad's getting his coat on!
And he just put a treat in his pocket for when I go potty.  Yay!!


  1. Ya got a treat for pottyin?? I got a new demand for momma now.

    1. Yup, when it's 7 degrees out Dad is very happy when I go potty right away so we can come home. - Abby Lab

  2. Isn't it time to go potty again, Abby? That sounds like a great plan for treat rewards.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  3. Hope you don't freeze out there! It's pretty cold and windy here. Too cold to stay out for very long!

  4. Good things come to those who are patient. 😍


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