Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday Black and White - Caution for Homeowners

As temps reach  a high of 6 today in the Chicagoland area and elsewhere, be sure and make sure your thermostat isn't set TOO high so the dog doesn't melt.

Thanks to our hosts Nola and Sugar for the Blog Hop and a big hug for Sugar as she recovers from surgery


  1. Our cousin who is in Indiana just told us their high today is supposed to be 3 degrees. YIKES!

    Keep Calm & Bundle Up!

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Hari OM
    BOl... never mind the dog... the father has had the heating at trop=temps since yesterday and the YAMster is a blog!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Phod tired to melt himself by the fire last night lol! It was closer to -20 F here . . . .

  4. Sounds like perfect weather to me! Its about 2C here :-)

  5. Sweet photo.

    Aroo to you,

  6. Oh a warm fireplace is the best for this cold days... no chance to melt away here :o)

  7. 26*F here this morning. Not sure what the forecast is today.


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